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Recycling Bins


The amount of waste recycled by Leave in 2023

Solar Energy


The date we plan to achieve Net Zero Carbon Reduction 



Of our directly employed operatives reside within 20 miles of Leaves region

Sustainability Development

Our Clients can have full confidence in Leaves to deliver the works in an environmentally sustainable and responsible manner, with full accountability for our actions. We have an in-depth understanding of the key environmental issues encountered on contracts of this nature and have developed tried and tested control measures to manage and mitigate adverse impacts.

We will meet our clients environmental and sustainability requirements  by proactively focusing on sustainability and transitioning to carbon-efficient methods of construction, using low carbon materials. We will continue to invest time and money into researching new methods of construction, new technology, carbon-efficient materials, and new ways of working and collaborate with supply chain partners who share our passion and commitment to sustainability.

Carbon Reduction Strategy

Leaves is currently engaged in the process of benchmarking our Scope 1 direct emissions,

Scope 2 energy emissions and 3 supply chain emissions including embodied carbon within the products and the materials that we procure.
When this benchmarking process has been completed, we will implement a Carbon Policy and Carbon Reduction Plan to achieve Net Zero by 2030 and we intend to appoint a carbon consultant to assist us in this journey.

Electricity and Gas Use


Leaves operates an Energy Policy reviewed and updated annually and has implemented energy management practices conforming to the requirements of ISO50001:2018 Energy Management System.Energy consumption within our Head Office building, regional depots and site establishments will be measured and monitored through utility billing, with a detailed breakdown of electric, gas and water consumption provided by our utility suppliers.Energy efficiency data will be collated, processed, and presented within a Balanced Scorecard providing visibility of performance at company, contract, and regional level.Energy efficiency measures including LED lighting, PIR lighting and reduced flush toilet cisterns/urinals have been implemented across our offices to reduce consumption and improve energy efficiency.In line with business growth, we will target proportional reductions in energy use per headcount annually at organisational level and target proportional reductions in energy use for each year of the contract.

Operational Emissions - Vehicle Fuel

Leaves’ most significant Scope 1 direct carbon emissions relate to the operation of our 60-strong vehicle fleet which accounts for 96% of our overall carbon footprint. We will measure, monitor and target reductions in carbon emissions derived from our fleet using telematic vehicle tracking and weekly fuel usage reports.
Direct carbon emissions will be minimised through engagement of local labour resource and supply chains, reducing transportation and logistical requirements.
100% of our directly employed operatives reside within 20 miles of Leaves Builders region and if required, we recruit further local resources to service the needs of our clients, negating the need for excessive travel.

When working in city centre locations, wherever practicable, our operatives will use public transport to travel to work locations. Vehicles are allocated in a ratio of one vehicle for every three operatives.
All authorised drivers of company vehicles receive compulsory Driver Awareness Training to promote CO2 reduction through fuel efficient driving behaviour. Preference is shown to approved suppliers who hold FORS Bronze accreditation as a demonstration of environmentally sustainable fleet management.

All diesel vehicles are compliant to Euro-6 standards running with Ad-Blue additive, speed restricted to 69mph, fitted with Eco drive options, and regularly inspected, serviced, and audited to ensure optimal performance.
Upon award, we will create a carbon emissions baseline per operative and associated SMART targets to drive reductions in carbon emission thereafter. Performance will be monitored through quarterly reporting and linked to the number of properties completed during the period.

Waste and Recycling

Site Waste Management Plans

Leaves is accustomed to producing tailored Site Waste Management Plans (SWMP) detailing our waste management arrangements and our supply chains. SWMPs are produced to a standard template in fulfilment of legislative requirements for projects over £300k and £500k in value as stated in the SWMP Regulations 2008. Environmental files will be established for each project comprising SWMPs, Environmental Risk Assessments, Waste Transfer and Waste Consignment Notes.


Our Site Managers will ensure correct waste management and recycling procedures are adhered to at site level in accordance with the SWMP to ensure responsible management of waste and maximise diversion from landfill.
Experience in Forecasting Waste

With a contract base of over 15 Clients, and 13+ years’ experience delivering a focused decorations service, we have a wealth of historical data to use when forecasting the level of waste anticipated on future projects. The main waste streams associated with the works comprise empty paint containers and flooring. Waste is segregated on-site into empty paint containers, timber, cardboard, and non-recyclable waste streams.

Recycling and Re-use


Paint Materials: Leftover paint is recycled through Community RePaint, a UK wide paint reuse network, sponsored by Dulux, who will redistribute leftover paint to benefit individuals, families, communities and charities in need. Used paint containers are recycled through the Dulux Decorator Centre Can Recycling Scheme with collections of empty paint containers coinciding with deliveries to maximise logistical efficiency. In partnership with Veolia, the plastic will be shredded, washed, and turned into low-grade plastic products such as underground pipework. Water-based tins will be washed, and the solvent-based paint will be removed through a thermal process. The metal will then be remelted into new steel and returned to the general market.

Waste Management Reports

We will provide monthly waste management reports to our clients detailing the nature and volume of waste produced, diversion from landfill, and recycling rate enabling month-on-month reductions in waste to landfill to be targeted and support you in your goal of achieving zero waste to landfill.



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